
A Buyers-only Agent Offers Full Representation Wholesale

A Buyers-Only agent is your advocate in real estate transactions. In this interview, Barry Miller of Buy Homes Denver Realty talks about specializing in buyers only for all real estate negotiations. Buy Homes Denver Realty is a real estate firm that is always on the homebuyer’s side!Interviewer: Hi I am Kathy Soltero with Metro Brokers TV, and today in the studio we have Barry Miller, he is with Buy Homes Denver Realty. And in the residential real estate industry, Barry is known as the “Father of Buyer Representation”. He is the broker owner of Buy Homes Denver Realty, a Colorado real estate firm that only works for buyers. Barry, thank you so much for coming in today. Barry: Happy to be here.Interviewer: Tell me a little bit Wholesale about your business, about your firm and how come you only work for buyers? Barry: First and foremost I’m a consumer advocate and buyers have always been the underdog in the residential real estate business. Buy Homes Denver Realty is a real estate firm that is always on the home buyers’ side. We never take listings; we always represent the buyer as their fiduciary. Interviewer: In a market where it's a sellers’ market, does that really work? Barry: In a sellers’ market and Wholesale Digital Camera Data Cables an in-between market or in a buyers’ market, the buyers always need somebody on their side.Interviewer: Right.Barry: Yes in all markets buyers need full representation from at least one of the real estate agents that’s involved.Interviewer: Now you have been in the real estate business for what 19 years that you are talking about? Barry: I Wholesale Decorative Night Light have been an exclusive buyer agent for over 25 years. Interviewer: 25 years. Barry: And we never take listings, we don't even list our own homes. We hire a sellers’ agent for that job.Interviewer: Wow! So tell me about Camera Accessories what designations you've actually received? Barry: Yeah through the years, I have trained thousands of real estate agents and held hundreds of consumer seminars in over 30 states. Through that I have received the designation of master trainer and master practitioner, and I am in the National Association of Realtors Buyer Agent Hall of Fame, and it's been wonderful. Interviewer: Congratulations that’s pretty great. What would you say would be the advantage of somebody using your firm versus a buyers’ agent or just a regular real estate agent? Barry: In two words it would be comfort, protection. Because we're always on the buyer side we are by law, their advocate, their negotiator and we shop lenders and loans to make sure the buyer gets the very best loan for the buyers needs. But even better, we work on a flat fee. Interviewer: Oh! Really, how does that work? Who pays you then, I mean…Barry: We get paid from the real estate transaction as normal, at closing, by the seller just like all real estate agents. However being on a flat fee means that every one of our buyers within their respective price range only pays a flat fee not a percentage of the price. So our buyers always save money because of that commission policy and that money is given directly back to the buyer. Interviewer: So if for instance the commission was higher on a typical transaction you would still get that base…Barry: The buyer would get a rebate of a bigger base…Interviewer: Oh! He will get a rebate. Barry: Let’s say, sellers and seller agents offer, offer a $1000 bonus. The state contract gives that bonus to the seller’s real estate company. We have never agreed with that, so we give that bonus directly back to the buyer once they pay it to us. Interviewer: That is a great advantage for the buyers. Okay well so, let's tell the buyers how they can get a hold of you. Barry: They can text me or call me at 303-888-3788 or find out more information online at Buy Homes Denver Realty.Interviewer: Barry, thank you so much, very interesting talking with you today. Barry: And thank you. Interviewer: You bet. And for more real estate related videos like this one be sure to tune into Metro Brokers TV online.

